The Art Store Every Artist Needs to Know About

The Art Store Every Artist Needs to Know About

So you've gotten into art and want to upgrade your supplies, but where do you even start? Let me introduce you to my favorite store, Blick Art Supplies.

Blick has been a reliable store that has come to meet my needs as an artist. They have great wholesale discounts, a huge variety of products, and great customer service. I discovered Blick at the beginning of my Art degree and it has been a lifesaver for not only my academic needs but also my personal needs as well! Let's jump into why I love Blick!

Great wholesale discounts

Blick sells everything at a cheaper price than you would find at a normal store. This makes it an affordable option and a valuable resource to know about!! They clearly show you the comparison of prices and how much you save by shopping with them.

A huge range of products

I've gotten a ton of different supplies from Blick and there are still so many more things I have yet to try from them. I've bought raw canvas, oil paint, gouache, paintbrush cleaners, pallets, and even watercolor canvases! They have so much more than that, I have spent hours just looking at all of the fun supplies they have to offer!

Great Customer Service

The first time I ordered from Blick I had a very complicated order of specific paints that I needed. Everything was perfect except they sent me two tubes of titanium white instead of now tube of white and one of ivory black. I emailed them and they quickly sent me a replacement and let me keep the extra paint! I couldn't believe how kind and helpful they were and since then I have always trusted that if anything goes wrong they will have my back!

The Final Score

Overall I would give Blick five out of five stars! Their great wholesale discounts, a huge variety of products, and great customer service really make them stand out and reach the top. You can shop at Blick here!

Have you shopped at Blick before? Comment your experience below and share any other art stores you think others should know about!

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